(Butterflies also symbolize rebirth and regeneration as well as the shape of the thyroid.)
The real Costa Rican butterfly
I made this blue butterfly when I was in Newfoundland a few weeks ago. It got a little crumpled during the travel but still survived.
This Kleenex box was in my room during my four-day radiation isolation. Originally, I bought the Kleenex because the box is blue and it would match the bedroom it was meant for. But I did not even realize it until after my isolation that this box too had blue butterflies.
This is a special blue butterfly. If you look really closely, the word F R I E N D is written on one of the butterfly's wings. I bought this necklace as part of a pair when I was at a gift shop in Newfoundland. I gave my youngest sister the other necklace (B E S T). We both share a special bond. The other reason is we both have had to overcome health challenges over the last two years. (We also both want to get butterfly tatoos.)
A few nights ago, I saw this blue butterfly light on my next door neighbour's porch. I had to take a photo.
We have been having so many rainy days lately in Toronto and I decided to buy my very first pair of rainy day boots, aka galoshes. So when I saw these ones with the blue butterflies on them, I knew I found the right pair.
Although this is not a blue butterfly (obviously), I wanted to show off my little piece of Newfoundland (and Labrador). This stone is called a Labradorite or calcium sodium aluminum silicate. Although it could be found in other parts of the world too, I wear it daily so I could remember the peace, tranquility, and natural settings of Newfoundland. When I saw this ring in the gift shop, rough and unpolished, it stood out from the others. It looked edgy and I knew my fiance would like it, so I knew this was the ring to choose. (Thankfully the shopkeeper gave me a good deal.)
Okay, it's not blue but it is a butterfly. This lovely card was signed by the students from my class. Very, very special indeed.
This was a beautiful blue butterfly pendant worn by a participant at the Thyroid Cancer Canada Patients' Forum on May 28, 2011.
I saw this beautiful poster at Sheena's Place, a centre offering hope and support for people with eating disorders, during their annual Expressive Arts show. But if you look real closely at the right foot...
You'll see a blue butterfly.
On my trip to Montreal, I saw alot of blue butterflies. Blue butterflies were everywhere. Je te présentes les Papillons Bleus. A great sign to me that healing is taking place.
This is Yafah, a beautiful little girl who wanted a butterfly painted on her face. And guess what? Lena painted a blue butterfly.
Denise spotted this blue butterfly in the back of a store (through the window at night). Good eyes, Denise! With a few tries, I got this great picture.
The same store had more stained glass on display with these cheerful blue butterflies.
Des papillons bleus sur des parapluies dans une boutique.
Blue butterflies on umbrellas in a boutique.
Et enfin, un papillon bleu sur un carte d'appel au pharmacie.
And finally a blue butterfly on a calling card at the drug store.
The Montreal photos reminds me of the blue butterfly painting that I saw in Ottawa. Illama la mariposa costarricense porque la pintora es de Costa Rica. (It is called the Costa Rican butterfly because the painter is from Costa Rica. I wanted to buy it but it was too expensive. My sister Tierra said to forget it and that I could probably paint a better one. She's right. I love my sister.
Henna butterfly tattoo from Afrofest. At this point my henna tattoo is about four days old and still holding up. I was told that it would last 1-2 weeks. It lasted just over a week. Not bad for $ 5.
This is Nancy from my church and she was rocking not only the blue butterfly necklace, but the blue butterfly earrings too.
Instant replay of the blue butterflies!
This lady is one of the staff at the Uptown Juice Bar in Harlem. She knows how to rock the blue butterfly.