My fiancé and I on the 86th floor observation deck at the Empire State Building.
I just got back from a much needed vacation in the Big Apple just yesterday celebrating my fiancé's 30th birthday. We had an amazing trip!!! I got to spend quality time with my fiancé as well as see my sis, nephew, brother-in-law, and some of my relatives. I also got to "play tourist" in a city that I have been to about twenty times by visiting such New York landmarks for the first time like the Guggenheim Museum, the Village Vanguard, the Empire State Building, and Central Park (second time). Stay tuned for some Vex in the City posts in Harlem and Manhattan.
My nephew and I. That baby got soul!!!
From my diagnosis of thyroid cancer to my survivorship, I have gone through my own challenges with sharing this news. Originally, I told only my family, closest friends, and fiancé. I needed time to truly process the diagnosis. I was scared to tell other people. I continued to work and put my thoughts and fears about cancer somewhere inside where it did not affect any aspect of my life. I did not want "my business broadcasted" in the media. I did not want to use the "c" word and cringed at the thought of telling others, making them uncomfortable. But as time went on, I found this to be a huge and lonely burden. So I decided to reach out and tell the world... starting first with attending programs at Wellspring cancer support centre, sharing the news with my coworkers, relatives, and then this blog and facebook. I began to attend workshops and forums on thyroid cancer and young adult cancers. I joined support groups. I am now part of these communities.
My YACC community
This blog has become a creative outlet for me to express myself and (self-)publish my writings. It has become a community as well as I speak with some of you. It has touched and inspired many of you and I aspire to do just that through my life work.
As a little girl, I began to write and illustrate picutre books. I started writing a novel at the age of eleven that went unfinished. In high school and university, I wrote articles, poetry, and even an advice column regularly for school newspapers and began a church newsletter. At twenty, I interned at Psychology Today magazine in New York and then went on to write infrequently for community newspapers. I dreamed of being a professional writer from then but for many reasons, deferred that dream. Blogging has helped me to gain more confidence in my writing and the possibilities for publication. I will continue to attend writing workshops and classes and LEARN and DO writing.
This blog has helped me to achieve my dream of writing and publication. I am currently working on a picture book as well as a children's novel. Stay tuned for more exciting projects.
I have been thinking about how to celebrate my 10, 000th pageview. I am so excited to know that since April 8 this year, I have had almost 10, 000 visits to this blog. I am thrilled that more people are learning about thyroid cancer, young adult cancer, and veganism. It has been very helpful for me as well to share my healing journey with you my readers.
In Canada, a bestselling book is 5, 000 copies sold. With 10, 000 visits, it is like being a bestseller twice in Canada. Since many of you, my readers, also live in the United States (US), Australia, United Kingdom (UK), India, and many other exotic locales, it is also like being an international bestseller. I'm just saying...
So I have spent a few weeks thinking about how I would like to celebrate my 10, 000th Pageview. So far, I am almost 50 pageviews away from this goal. (I love me some goals.)
Here are the ways I will celebrate my 10, 000 pageviews:
* a new page tab on Cancer Survivorship Many cancer survivors will tell you that surviving cancer is a life-changing experience. I totally agree with this. Some survivors also feel that the battle really begins after you are cured.
* reformatting this blog to ease navigation and location of posts on the pages
* the launch of a new blog about the planning of my wedding. STAY TUNED!!!
* an official call for submissions for BUTTERFLY TALES
* after much, much thought I decided not to place advertisements on this blog. I struggled over this one. On one hand, I could definitely use the money for good purposes, including young adult cancer, thyroid cancer, and even my own bank account. However, I can't help feel that it would be a bit like "selling out" and profiting from cancer. I have seen ads on other blogs and found them way too distracting. Plus, so many of you read my blog as you go through your own journey with cancer. I would hate for there to be any confusion about my intentions with this blog. Also, I know how much pharmaceutical and medical companies would love to advertise on this site. (I already get ads sent to me as blogger plus, so many folks have posting me with recommendations of porcine and bovine thyroid. No thanks.) I don't want you think that I'm endorsing any of these products especially if I don't know they truly work.
* all the stuff you have come to love about this blog like MORE vegan photo albums, MORE Vex in the City, MORE book reviews, MORE blue butterfly photos, MORE Butterfly Tales and survivor celebrities, MORE resources
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