Friday, August 12, 2011

10, 000 Tastes, 10 Billion Reasons

On Wednesday, after the Gene Baur presentation at Kindfood in Burlington (read here about it), I attended 10, 000 Tastes, 10 Billion Reasons held at in Toronto. This was pegged as the largest vegan event in Canada. (That, I'm not too sure about.) But I did notice it was like a walking advertisement for all-things vegan. There were vegan t-shirts, games, books, and, most importantly, vegan food.

Organized by the Toronto Vegetarian Association and Empathy Unlimited, 10, 000 Tastes since the event was held at Yonge-Dundas Square, Canada's busiest pedestrian intersection.

10 Billion Reasons since this is the number of land farm animals slaughtered annually in the United States.

The even had a fairly good turnout especially considering I showed up after a heavy rainfall (at around 3pm). Unfortunately, I missed the performances which were from a vegan comedy troupe. If you are on facebook, you can see some nice professional photos from before the rainfall.

If you are not, you'll have to settle for my cool amateur shots.

By the way, I almost called this post, "What's a girl to do?" since there were tons of vegan companies doing free tastes and giveaways. Why would I choose 'What's a girl to do?' ? Well, I'm getting ready to return to work in September and I've started thinking about how to conveniently eat vegan. All of the foods that they were giving away all demonstrated convenient ways to eat plant-based foods. What can a vegan eat? The question should be, what do vegans get to eat? Well, here are a few examples. (You can try them if you want.)

An added bonus for this event: Veggie dog giveaways!!!

I'm here!!!

The BBQ Boys donated their time and efforts for the free dogs.

One of my favourite treats! Yoso soy yogurt.

Yoso soy cream cheese spread.

Tofurky cold cuts. Taste pretty good. I might try it on a sandwich.

Imagine, capuccino-flavoured soya milk? Mm mm mm. She came up with this flavour.

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